Love is beautiful, like the rainbow

Dear Friend,

i hope you all are healthy and safe. if you have come this far since the pandemic began, give yourself a pat on your back, you did it — you adapted to the abrupt changes. nobody likes changes and that is normal. we are humans, creatures of “normalcy”. but we all know that “Normality is a paved road. It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” – Vincent Van Gogh

meanwhile, sorry (not sorry) i do not have any new paintings to show off. maybe next year, and i am okay with it. but i have this to share with you.

i have been meditating every day in the mornings soon after i wake up, and in the evenings before i go to sleep. they are part of my creative process, and they also are part of my connection to Source — you can liken it to recharging your electronic devices.

a funny side effect of making art is that one becomes more attuned to stuff we humans could not immediately see, or notice, or feel. when my aunt in singapore wants to make a point she would nudge her glasses a bit down her nose bridge and look you in the eyes over her glasses and say, as though it was a question, like, ha-ha. so calling it a funny side effect is just an expression. ha-ha.

anyway, i have asked many times, what is love. we use this word so loosely — we say, i love this painting, i love this color, i love this sweater, i love this dessert, i love taylor swift, or i love this beach. really, what is this thing, love? a lyricist or a music composer writes for the love of it, a chef makes a dish for the love of it, or a painter paints for the love of it. my friend’s mother said this about any recipe, if you don’t put love into it, it will not turn out well. it will feel like it is missing something no matter how well you have followed the recipe.

so what is this thing, love?

Love is beautiful, like a rainbow.

every morning, as i put on each bracelet, i recite this mantra to myself. this is my daily minute-meditation to remind myself of what Unconditional Love is. no religion is required and no religious baggage, because Unconditional Love is the simplest law of the Universe. this simple practice starts my day on a positive note. it is a syncing-up with Source. it is a part of my creative process. everyone has at least a minute. try it, you will feel it. from left to right for each bracelet, a creative human construct:

Love is everything
beautiful like a rainbow

Love is kind
kindness is an expression of Love

Love is patient
patience is an expression of Love

Love is compassionate
compassion is an expression of Love

Love is forgiving
forgiveness is an expression of Love

and then i put on my watch: this is time, a human construct.

i will add more if i come across a bracelet that i like 😌

in a world where you can be anything, be loving. if you can’t love, then at least be kind, and the rest will follow.

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly

happy lunar new year, the year of the tiger


how the legend of the pumpkin man was born