If you could imagine it, it could exist

Dear Friend

To save a failed 2011 painting from Coriano Italy.

I did this painting with a clear blue sky from the balcony of my brother and his wife’s home in Coriano. If you look long and hard you might see Rimini, and if you look harder, you might see Ukraine.

A clear blue sky is beautiful but it can be so uninteresting when it takes up most of the design, so I added clouds.

Coriano Hills

Oil on panel, 10 by 12 inches

Has anyone (or even yourself) ever said to you that the clouds you have imagined could not exist, and then one day you see the clouds that were not supposed to exist!

Or how about the colors of the sky and clouds? A landscape artist once said in a workshop that such colors (I forget which colors he was referring to) in the sky are impossible, and then some years later, I saw the colors that he said were not possible. If you could imagine it, it could exist! Now let us imagine peace.

“Fiction is eternal; reality perishes. Invented forms live; real ones vanish. Truth is ephemeral; illusion, everlasting.” — Jiri Krasek Ze Lvovic

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly


The things we see when we slow down


Dried Giant Sunflowers