Back to my favorite Open Field in Kennett Square

Dear friend,

This open field across from the YMCA outdoor swimming pool sits between Kennett Legacy Fields and Red Clay Creek. I have made a few paintings of this field, and it was here where I could have been trampled by a herd of deers! Ah, fond memories. I could imagine the headlines: Local artist squished into the ground by a herd of deers!

This morning’s painting was a quick one. I was scattered-brain: I forgot my tripod, but my studio is only a few hundred feet from where I had placed everything, so it was an easy walk back for the tripod. As soon as I was done setting up with my tripod, I realized that I did not have my paper towels with me, but I felt lazy to go back for them. I was too focused on not missing the light. I rushed through the painting as though I did not have much time left.

But missing the light was the least of my concern because I randomly decided to use only earth colors. The only non-earth colors were titanium white, ultramarine blue, and pthalo green which I used sparingly. So how could I describe the light that I wanted to express? I do not know, but the only way I think I could do this is to think in terms of only tonal values. I have not tried painting this way before, so it was a fun exercise.

The Open Field

Oil on panel, 8 by 10 inches

After I was done painting, I absentmindedly grabbed the roll of paper towels in my back pocket to clean up and realized that the roll of paper towels I thought I have forgot was in my back pocket all the time! It was my Homer-Simpson d’oh! moment. I think we all have those moments.

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly

The Yellow House


All of the above: Ways Road, Ways Lane, & Eastern Railways Tracks