The impermanence of things

I do not yet have any new paintings to share, but I always have some thoughts to share with you.

The New Year’s celebration seems to be the only time we collectively and joyfully celebrate change. And every year we will surely hear someone say, Goodbye old year, don’t let the door hit you in your backside!

Rightfully so because we have free will! But we have freely allowed ourselves to be conditioned to behave like spoiled brats — we seem to find something to sour about because we do not like the changes that do not go our way. I think it is also called, self-entitlement. But what a waste of the power of our free will!

In this life, many demolitions are actually renovations. — Rumi, paraphrased

Changes will always happen and they seldom go our way. Sometimes the change can be dramatic and sometimes subtle. We could hate them or we could love them. However we choose to define them, they are all the same, changes and impermanent.

Nothing stays the same. Nothing is permanent. Our liberation is to break ourselves from our old habits to allow ourselves to celebrate the impermanence of things, and to celebrate the power of being kind to ourselves and one another.

Instead of saying, Goodbye old year, don’t let the door hit you in your backside! Say something like, Thank You 2023, and Thank You 2024! We look forward to the new adventures you will offer.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. — Meister Eckhart

I paraphrase my friend whose background was in astrophysics: If you observe the Universe with Love, it will respond accordingly.

In a world where we can be anything, be Kind.


Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly

Happy Lunar New Year

