Eighteen Paintings Popping Up at State & Union

UpdateDoug Harris was so pleased with the response on Friday night that we have agreed to turn this into a month-long show. My paintings will be on display through the rest of December, and through the second week of January 2016.

Eighteen Paintings plus a couple of extras are popping up at State & Union. My paintings were offered a one-night spotlight at State & Union in Kennett Square, thus the name pop-up show”.

I am grateful that Doug Harris of State & Union is sponsoring my pop-up show on Friday, 11 December, from 6 to 9 PM. When you walk in to this special store you will appreciate the many fine goods that State & Union curates. 

One of the highlights of Doug's business model is sustainable style and philanthropy. This is not marketing or public relations talk, this is genuine. Some proceeds from some of the sales go to environmental clean up programs around the Brandywine region. In fact, Doug and his friends join groups to help with the clean up activities. This is how all business should operate—making profits but not at the expense of people and the environment. I take pride in having my art on display at State & Union. Even if it is for a night.

More about State & Union’s United by Blue:

We believe that every living creature is united by the blue of our world’s oceans and waterways, and we all have the responsibility to protect them.

As a for-profit business we have the power to help heal our oceans. By associating each product sold with the removal of one pound of trash from waterways, we unite our beliefs with our business. We fulfil our pledge through company-organised and hosted cleanups.

The precedent has always been that monetarily successful businesses and environmentally friendly practices could not co-exist. We believe that this way of thinking is coming to an end.

Please click this link for time and directions.

Doug Harris showing off one of Dan Chow's paintings on display at his State & Union store in Kennett Square.

Doug Harris showing off one of Dan Chow's paintings on display at his State & Union store in Kennett Square.

This series of paintings for this pop-up show focuses on Kennett Square and its surrounding areas. Many of my paintings are of subjects that are often considered “mundane”. When I look for a subject, I would pick something that is usually overlooked because it seemed to lack anything interesting, and then I would turn it into something that is a pleasure to look at. It’s a fun challenge, and I hope this series of paintings conveys the same pleasure I have when I go out to paint in the Kennett Square, and its surrounding areas.

The following are the 18 paintings, and then some, which will be on show at State & Union on Friday, 11 December 2015, from 6 through 9 PM. They are priced for the holiday season.

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly


Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


The last day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere