The Woodshed at Kuerner Farm


It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. Could you be my neighbour?

Back at the Kuerner Farm to continue with my plein air study of the woodshed. Although this was an 8-week workshop hosted by Karl Kuerner, I wanted to also use it as an opportunity to take more notes for the larger studio painting. I was hoping that the structure would have an exotic sounding name, but it was just, woodshed. Utilitarian, but this is not just any old woodshed, this is the Kuerner woodshed. Yes, splitting hair.

The farm has two resident cats — the mid brown cat (actually sort of orange) is Otto, and the dark brown one is Linus. If I had not discipline myself to focus on the task at hand I think I probably would have spent all day photographing Otto and Linus exploring their farm. Perhaps next week. They seem to like hanging around me while I was painting, but there were other artists scattered around the farm. Linus and Otto probably consider us their human pets.

PS: Someone pointed out to me that there is a third resident cat on the farm.

A study in progress: The Woodshed. Oil on panel, 11 by 14 inches.

A study in progress: The Woodshed. Oil on panel, 11 by 14 inches

A study in progress: The Woodshed. Oil on panel, 11 by 14 inches

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly

Things don't stay the same


The Overgrown Backyard