A Peek of To Scarlett Thicket Farm

In progress detail of To Scarlett Thicket Farm. Oil on panel, 36 by 24 inches.

In progress detail of To Scarlett Thicket Farm. Oil on panel, 36 by 24 inches.

People aren't interested in blueprints; they want to sense the painter's involvement and pleasure in the subject. . . . Paint a sense of place. — Paul Strisik

Here is a somewhat detail peek of my large in-progress painting, To Scarlett Thicket Farm. Inspired by a friend's photograph, Bob and I drove to this site to see and experience it for myself to get a better sense of this place. I made some reference snap shots for myself and did some compositional sketches back at my studio. What a delightful area. I could easily forget that I am in Chester County, Pennsylvania and pretend that I am somwhere in Southern France which I did for a brief moment.

Bonjour! It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. Could you be my neighbour?

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly


Have you eaten?


"Chicken Foot"