The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

a pair of geese flew by; outside my studio window; i’m glad elephants don’t fly

Seeking Shelter

It started off as a painting from a photo of a clearing up a hill in a bird sanctuary in Delaware. I like to call it Hawk Lookout Hill. This painting went through several changes including scrape-downs until it eventually evolved into a winter scene. On the wall and off the walls, and into storage and out of storage.

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Parting thoughts for 2020

I pray that throughout all the coming years, people will be kind, patient and respectful always, and not during only the Christmas season or whichever special holiday celebration you celebrate.

Many other people will say, Goodbye 2020 and don’t let the door hit you in your ass. That is understandable. We are only human. I would say the same too, but I choose not to. But I rather say, Goodbye and thank you 2020, because you have taught us a lot about ourselves. Amongst many other lessons, you have revealed to us that we as a collective have more control over the economy and the multimillion and multibillion dollar companies then we have believed, because as consumers, we are the ones who truly run the economy. Without consumer spending, wealthy people and companies cannot make meet their profit margins. The reality is that they rely upon our labour and our spendings. So when business reports lament about the stock market, I roll my eyes and I laugh.

I hope, at least throughout next year, people will be more kind and patient with each other, and that people and companies who have amassed wealth will show more respectfulness, compassion and kindness to the people whom they market to to get them to buy their services and products.

I always say to my friends, there is nothing evil with making profits and amassing more wealth, but there is a whole lot of evil in being selfish and greedy — amassing wealth at the expense of other people and the environment.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one’s life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than ‘Try to be a little kinder.’ — Alduos Huxley (1894-1963)

Cheers and Happy New Year!