Forsythias! It must be springtime. Finally.

It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. Could you be my neighbour?

Winter seemed to have gone on forever. Everyone with whom I have spoken with have felt the same about winter — it felt unending and depressing. Well spring weather is finally here and I did my first watercolour painting for 2018. Earlier the same day in the morning my friend and I attended a watercolour demonstration and we left with some nice samples — a handpainted colour chart, watercolour paper and a brush.

Samples from the demonstration: Colour sample chart, brush and watercolour paper.

Samples from the demonstration: Colour sample chart, brush and watercolour paper.

I do not think that the sample dots of paints were intended to be used because they were miniscule, but there were plenty for a tiny painting. I went outside to my neighbour's house to do a quick sketch of their forsythias in bloom. As I was heading back to my studio, the owner of this Cape Cod house was just returning home. I asked for her permission to cut some branches off her forsythias because I recently learned that their flowers were edible. I thought they would make an attractive garnish on some dishes like a salad. I had one and so far I have not experience an anaphylactic attack. Fingers are still crossed. Still alive.

As a thank you, I gave to the owners the quick tiny watercolour painting of their Cape Cod house with the forsythias in full bloom. Of all the houses around me, I have just realised that I have done several paintings of this Cape Cod. I guess I like Cape Cod houses.

Daniel Chow

American Artist

Born Singapore

New York & Pennsylvania

a pair of geese flew by outside my studio window i'm glad elephants don't fly

Revisiting the Cape Cod


View from my bedroom window