The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

a pair of geese flew by; outside my studio window; i’m glad elephants don’t fly

Surf like a pro

I have been experiencing many interesting dreams. One even has lively music with poetic lyrics. But that is for another time. Maybe I could convince Jason Mraz to turn it into a song for one of his albums 😊

Anyway, I woke from a dream immediately with this thought repeatedly playing in my mind this morning.

It is how we react or respond to something that could either weaken or strengthen us.

I remember an idea from someone I had heard or read; that is, about being patient while riding through a storm.

During the peak of the pandemic, I remember my cousin saying, this all shall pass. I kept that thought close to my heart.

Nothing is permanent. They all shall pass. They always do. They ebb and flow. The negatives and the positives. But we have been conditioned by societal upbringing and life experiences to confront or react to the negatives as something bad and the positives as something good. But the reality is that they are neither. Instead, they are life lessons that could either weaken or strengthen us. The outcome of one or the other depends on how we choose with our freewill to respond.

So whatever that happened or is happening in Life, I remind myself to be grateful, because positive or negative, these all shall pass. They always do. So I remind myself to be patient, and be kind to myself, and share them with others so that they too could ride the negative and positive waves like a pro surfer.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind πŸ’•