The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

a pair of geese flew by; outside my studio window; i’m glad elephants don’t fly

Love is like the Rainbow

I go through random episodes of negative mental states, but lately, for some years I have been able to identify them when they sneak up on me. I try not to push back on them, but call them out, and go into my quiet space and “meditate”, while allowing myself to appreciate that I am only human, nothing is permanent, and this too shall pass.

Also, I receive some personal revelations when I meditate. Sometimes like, WTF. Why am I feeling or thinking this? I do not always get an answer then but sometimes later on. Sometimes we have a stare-down until one of us blinks. Lately, it usually blinks first. I win 😌 

I think this is an internal struggle of many humans, to be kind to Self. We, humans, have been conditioned by religion and their gods that we are shitheads/sinners unworthy of love but deserving of hell, which, by the way, is another human construct. We judge ourselves, we hate ourselves, we are unkind to ourselves, and we beat up ourselves. This is why we are mean to and judgmental of one another.

Here is one of my favorite “revelations” I received over a course of many months when I asked what unconditional love is:

Love is like the Rainbow

love is kind

kindness is an expression of love

love is compassionate

compassion is an expression of love

love is empathy

empathy is an expression of love

love is patient

patience is an expression of love

love is forgiving

forgiveness is an expression of love

love is joy

joy is an expression of love

love is dance

dance is an expression of love

if you can’t love, then at least be kind to yourself

and the rest will follow

Love is Joy and Love is Dance are the latest addition to Love is like the Rainbow. This made me so happy that I put on my favorite playlist tunes and danced joyfully like no one is watching. That night, the Universe and I partied 🥳