The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

a pair of geese flew by; outside my studio window; i’m glad elephants don’t fly

Don't make yourself miserable with what is to come or not to come — Rumi

You may call me a Pollyanna, but you know what, this Pollyanna is, although annoyed and disappointed, is quite at peace. 

It’s not the end of the world. No one likes changes. Try living in a house that is under renovation! We like things to stay the same or “normal”, but…

“Normalcy is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” — Vincent Van Gogh 

He wanted it, but we made him work for it. We did not hand this to him on a silver plater. This could be the first time in his life he actually worked for something! 

Will he have learned from his past mistakes and change his approach, such as surrounding himself with competent, wise, and knowledgeable people who he’ll actually listen to?

Meanwhile, everyone needs to stop behaving like modern-day Pharisees, judging and condemning, whining and crying about who has ever so slightly violated their cancel and woke culture ideologies.

Many decades ago, someone fittingly said this, 

Arguments don’t lead to truth because they stem from a confused and doubtful state of mind or ego.

People argue because they’re confused, think they’re more important than others, or want to force their opinions on others. But everyone has the right to their own thoughts and ideas, and no two humans are the same, so we all have different perspectives and paths in life.

I too am very unhappy with the outcome, and that’s okay. We’re only humans. Embrace it. 智慧 reminds me to be still, compassionate and patient. Easier said than done, but practice makes perfect! 

Ponder on these wisdom from Thích Nhất Hạnh

Fear of the unexpected leads many people to live a constricted and anxious life. No one can know in advance the misfortunes that may happen to us and our loved ones, but if we learn to live in an awakened way, living deeply every moment of our life, treating those who are close to us with gentleness and understanding, then we will have nothing to regret when something happens to us or to them. Living in the present moment, we are able to be in touch with life's wonderful, refreshing, and health-giving phenomena, which allow us to heal the wounds in our-selves. Every day we become more wonderful, fresh, and healthy.


If through mindfulness of the breath you generate harmony, depth, and calm, these will penetrate into your body and mind. In fact, whatever happens in the mind affects the body, and vice versa. If you generate peacefulness in your breathing, that peacefulness permeates your body and your state of mind.

Don’t allow yourselves to become like snowflakes. Yes I had my share of meltdowns! We’re humans. Let your heart guide you while you ride this next crazy wave. Ride it like a seasoned surfer, calmed and composed. When you’re in a mindful and meditative space, the crashing waves around you become like ripples. It is still a beautiful life. Hmm, does this remind you of a story from the New Testament? 🧘🏻🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️

Stop squandering your energy on anger and judging other humans. Instead, be kind, tolerant, and compassionate to one another.

Join us and surf like a seasoned surfer.
